
by Anna Gilmore Heezen


All the slow summer long……………………………£9.99
I have been living……………………………………………£6.90
in a glass jar of anxiety…………………………£16.90
and dreading……………………………………………………………£7.68
a day in August……………………………………………………£6.57
when a devious envelope………………………………£12.90
with a barbed paper tongue………………………£3.76
will slither through the door………………£2.46
to determine my fate………………………………………£6.83
with only a few……………………………………………………£5.80
letters: grades that might………………………£5.45
be as sharp as blades……………………………………£9.90
or as soft as rising dough. …………………£5.67
At the end of the day, is this……………£3.54
all that I amount to?……………………………………£12.80
Five letters on a flimsy……………………………£6.53
ghost of paper?……………………………………………………£6.45
The narrowest indication……………………………£3.87
of my past…………………………………………………………………£7.90
and my future. ……………………………………………………£14.90
God, these…………………………………………………………………£1.65
endless days of waiting………………………………£8.76
and balancing on these tenterhook……£17.76
cobweb tightropes just won’t do,………£4.50
they just won’t do. ………………………………………£14.90


I don’t want to be calculated………………£8.76
or summed up……………………………………………………………£7.36
in cold numbers and letters……………………£3.56
that are typed by robotic fingers……£4.90
that have no grace nor growth………………£23.90
because I am breathtakingly …………………£16.00
three dimensional, and…………………………………£5.35
to total me ……………………………………………………………£2.95
would be like…………………………………………………………£0.90
trying to add up the breeze……………………£??.?????


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© Anna Gilmore Heezen

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